About Me:

Spiritually Empowered: The Ultimate Guide

Hi there! My name is Simon Stone and I have spent many years travelling the world and immersing myself in various cultures. Starting out in Marine Engineering for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, I discovered and learnt the aspects of energy, harmonics, vibration and frequencies. Along the way, I have had many spiritual experiences and experiences of different cultures and their beliefs that have shaped my worldview. For the past 12 years, I have been dedicated to my spiritual development and training, which has included mediumship, psychic abilities, energy work, crystals, tarot cards, Universal Energy and becoming a Reiki 2 practitioner. I have always been fascinated by the intersection of science and spirituality, particularly in the realm of quantum physics. I believe that everything in the universe is connected through vibration, energy, and frequency. These beliefs have helped me to understand and navigate the world around me in a more meaningful way.

My spiritual journey began on a practical sense around 12 years ago and that path has lead me through many different experiences and lessons. Learning new skills and developing abilities has given me a life experience I wouldn't change and I have been lucky to be shown the love and kindness that is in the world. This has inspired me to try and spread the light and love around and show people the tools and guidance to navigate their lives and to fulfil ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally and free ourselves of our own restraints to life.

Thank you for taking the time to read the above.............Keep smiling, stay happy and always laugh.

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